Sri Narayani College of Nursing Scholarships for Aspiring Students
“Service With Love” is the motto of this College
One of the institutions we support is the Sri Narayani School and College of Nursing in Vellore District, India. This Nursing College provides an exceptionally good quality educational experience for young women and offers many degree courses.
Among the degrees offered are a two year Diploma in M.Sc. Nursing, a two year Diploma in Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing and a three and a half year Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery. Young women with a minimum 12 years study with physics, chemistry and biology are accepted into the college.
Nursing students come through a variety of local urban and rural communities. Our scholarships support low income, often first-generation nursing support for their tuition which helps to pay for food and accommodation, facility expenses, books, study materials and uniforms. The scholarships and applications are available to the general public free of cost. Young women in need of support already studying in the college can apply for financial assistance.